ASHM COVID-19 Taskforce interim recommendations regarding people who are incarcerated in Criminal Justice Settings during the COVID-19 pandemic including those who are living with HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C

ASHM COVID-19 Taskforce interim recommendations regarding people who are incarcerated in Criminal Justice Settings during the COVID-19 pandemic including those who are living with HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C , Australia - 6p.

Designed to provide current and relevant information to clinicians and other healthcare providers to optimise the health and wellbeing of people who are incarcerated in criminal justice settings during the COVID-19 pandemic, including those who are living with HIV, hepatitis B, or hepatitis C. The recommendations provided are based on the opinions of the authors and are not intended as explicit guidelines for standard of care or practice.

Related terms: Coronavirus


Groups & Settings: Correctional services Education & training: Health/mental health sector education